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Who Really Uses Digital Marketing???

How Digital Marketing Can Get You Your Heart's Desire?

What is a Digital Marketing???

Digital Marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes the internet and online-based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones, and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services.

OK now you know what is Digital Marketing, But do you know, how it can be possible to get heart's desired things?

Maybe you will be excited to know that how Digital Marketing can get you your desire things in terms of happiness, money, fem, and others.

Don't worry I'm here to tell you, how you can earn your heart's desire things...

So here I'm going to tell about basic of digital marketing.

1) The fundamentals of marketing
2) Digital marketing vs. Traditional marketing
3) CATT Marketing Funnel
4) Integrated Digital Marketing
5) Personal Branding: MassTrust Blueprint

Many people who are running businesses have traditional marketing knowledge and are traditionally marketing their product or service. they are spending more money, doing hard work, even though they are not getting much profit.

here is a solution called Digital Marketing to make more profit without doing much hard work and spending less money on marketing.

A good marketer never stops learning

This article is useful for those,

who want to grow their business ( businessmen, professionals, entrepreneurs
who is learning Digital Marketing ( student, freelancers, bloggers,)

Are you ready guys, to know about Marketing?

let's start...

1) The fundamentals of marketing-

Digital marketing is more about marketing. Digital marketing is just a medium with that we are marketing ant product and service. Marketing is based on science because marketing starts before creating or develop the product...

it starts with an understanding of customer and their requirement. many people will think that marketing is just selling the existing product, and they will end up selling the product without customer satisfaction, with low margin or low profit.

2) Digital marketing vs. Traditional market-

Traditional marketing-
  • The promotion of products and services through TV, Telephone, Banner, Broadcast, Door to Door, Sponsorship, etc.
  • Traditional marketing is not cost-effective.
  • Traditional marketing is difficult to measure.
Digital marketing-
  • The promotion of products and services through digital media or electronic mediums like SEO, SEM, PPC, etc.
  • Digital marketing is cost-effective.
  • Digital marketing is easy to measure with analytical tools.

3) CATT Marketing Funnel-

It's one type of marketing funnel, which we are going to use in our business to get converted customers with the natural sales method. CATT funnel is equated to wealth.

Wealth = N^CATT

N = niche ( your success as a digital marketer, depend on niche selection )
C = Content ( write content as you speak, should be to way communication ) 
A = attention ( attention means traffic coming in your blog or site )
T = Trust ( with the help of the above NCA build trust to the customer )
T = Transaction ( convert that lead to customer )
4) Integrated Digital marketing-

The a
bove flowchart describes the process of integrated digital marketing.

With the help of an integrated digital market, it is very easy to execute. the integrated digital market is the art and craft of using all the digital components together.

Every digital tool having its unique way to get the customer into your funnel. it is more important to execute digital marketing in an integrated way.

Don't run to marketing your product first market your content of free basic and just do marketing of your content, make trust with your reader or audience, and convert that lead into your customer.

5) Personal Branding & MassTrust Blueprint-
  • Personal Branding
"The best known will always beat the best."

As mentioned above, the best known will always beat the best, which means the personal branding, that can get you at the top or be known single in the market. 

If you are the best at something and the world does not know that you are good in something, then know one value for your talent. you have to show them that you are best in this thing you have to market yourself and build a personal brand of you.  
  • MassTrust Blueprint

  • Learn skills to make a personal brand...
  • Work, Practice and implement it in your real-world...
  • Blog your experience and share it with your audience...
  • Use your experience, Start consulting the customer...
  • Become a mentor and start teaching others...
  • Start your own business or company... 
here we are going to learn something new which will help you to accelerate your business or your traffic.

1. Communication skills- 
In communication that is not necessary to have a good English conversation. English is just a language, not communication. language is just a medium of transferring the thought to others. so don't think that you don't know English so you don't have good communication. communication means whether you are able to sell something or you are able to explain anything to others in any regional language. if you can able to do it well then you are having good communication skills.
2. How to choose the right niche- 

Better niche depends upon above mention all 3 factors, passion, marketing, or talent, if you have talent and passion but don't have a market to sell your product then your effort will become a waste. same case if you have a market but you don't have the talent or passion to do things done, then no use in having a market. so select the niche, which is having market value and you have the talent to do it and you are passionate about It. 
Above we talked about the fundamentals of digital marketing, where we learned about what is marketing and how it working. 
we learned about the difference between tradition and digital marketing and the advantage of digital marketing, and CATT funnel, integrated marketing, and brand building with mass trust blueprint. 
we learned one most powerful things is which is niche selection and communication skills. 
Guys if you love the content or post, please do like subscribe and comment, how you feel to read this post. and mentioned your comment for the next post on which topic you want to read. 
This post is a part of the Digital Deepak internship program. if you want to join the digital Deepak program then click on the given link.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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